2021 Cabin Crew Conference

Rebuilding a Better Airline Training System

To view PDF versions of the PowerPoint presentations given at EATS 2021, please click on the speaker name, and then click on the button to view the PDF. Any questions regarding the EATS 2021 presentations please email Fiona Greenyer at fiona@halldale.com.

Day 1 – Tuesday 2nd November 2021

Session 1 – Opening Remarks
1) Jesper Rasmussen, Flight Standards Director, EASA
Aviation Training 2.0: Upgrade to a New Normal
2) Captain Andy Mitchell, Chair, EASA Aircrew Training Policy Group (ATPG)
ATPG Evolution: Tactical & Strategic Industry Support for Aviation Training 2.0

Session 2
1) Daan Dousi, Manager Aircrew and Medical Standards and Implementation Section, EASA
2) Juliana Oliveira, Senior Cabin Crew & CRM Instructor
Rebuilding Better Airline Training
3) Raghoonundun “Birdy” Gunputh, Product Manager Safety Training, Lufthansa Aviation Training
Training Paradigm Shift: Innovative Philosophy for Competency-Driven Outcomes

Session 3 – CRM
1) Helen Heenan, KURA Human Factors
It’s Okay Not to be Okay, and Other Platitudes
2) Lex Rock Heemstra
Preparing Cabin Crew for the Next Aviation Crisis – the Recovery
3) Ilona Podzigun, ex Qatar Airways
Resilience – Bouncing Back to Normal

Session 4
1) John Franklin, Head of Safety Promotion, EASA & Claudio Marturano, CEO, T-C Alliance
2) Round Table Discussions

Day 2 – Wednesday 3rd November 2021

Session 5 – Innovative Techniques
1) Karen Moore, Principal Occupational Psychologist, Symbiotics
Mental Wellbeing Challenges During and Post Covid-19
2) Marco van Sterkenburg, Founder, Drillster
The Need to Redesign Training Methods After Covid
3) Ian Mitchell, Lead Cabin Crew Training Designer, Air Canada
Air Canada’s Pandemic Training Experience

Session 6
1) Ivan Noël, President, Inflight Innovations Inc./Director, Inflight Institute.com
Competency-Based Training in the Cabin
2) Jules Kneepkens, Co Director & Ray Elgy, Co Director, AQE b.v.
Evaluation Studies on the Impact of e-Learning
3) Thora Halldora Gunnarsdottir, Project Manager, Training Center, Icelandair & Dr. Paul Nolan, MD, ASTech
Cabin Crew iPad-based Drag ‘N Drop Assessment for Correct Safety Equipment Location

Session 7
1) Noel Houlihan, Safety Training Officer & Chief Instructor Cabin Crew Training, Aer Lingus
Building a Virtual Training Academy
2) Lene-Marie Nissen, Chief Cabin Crew Instructor, Thomas Faurby, Training Coordinator Cabin Crew & Vibeke Duus Bache, Cabin Emergency Instructor and Purser, SAS
Virtual Reality – Next Generation
3) Marcin Berezowski, Chief Instructor Safety & Security, Ryanair DAC
Virtual Classroom Training for New Cabin Crew – Lessons Learnt

Session 8 – Human Factors
1) Lex Rock Heemstra
Why Even Experienced Pilots Get it Wrong Sometimes
2) Gitte Furdal Damm & Birgitte Johansen, About Human Factors
Does CRM Need an Update?
3) Conor McKenna, CEO & Founder, Vocavio Technologies
Fight or Flight? How Data from Voice Biosignals Brings Advantage to Crew Training

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