Exhibitor Portal

We are looking forward to welcoming you to EATS 2024.

All the resources you need to plan your exhibit and participation at EATS follow below.

The 22nd European Airline Training Symposium (EATS) will take place at the Estoril Congress Centre, Cascais, Portugal with pre-function activity on Tuesday 5th November, and conference and trade show on Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th November, 2024.

The Works Events BV has been appointed as the official contractor for exhibition services, like shell scheme, graphics, carpet, furnishings, extra power drops and internet etc.

The online Exhibitor Manual can be accessed HERE

All Exhibitors will receive an email from The Works Events with their own personal login details. If you haven’t received your log-in details please email EATS@theworksevents.com 

If you have any questions regarding exhibition services please email: EATS@theworksevents.com

Exhibition Contractor Information

The Works Events BV
Julianalaan 8, 6191 AM Beek(L), The Netherlands
Tel: +31 46 4420517 • Fax: +31 46 4420518
Email: EATS@theworksevents.com

We are aware that from time to time our exhibitors and other customers may receive emails from third parties falsely stating that they have attendee data for our events which is available to purchase. Please note that we never disclose or sell our attendee lists. Please do not purchase data from any emails that are trying to sell you attendee lists or any other data. 

Exhibitor Schedule

Monday 4th November

1100-2200  Space-only contractor access

Tuesday 5th November

0800-2000  Continued space-only contractor access
1100-2000  All exhibitor build up
1100-1900  Registration open
1730-1900  Icebreaker Reception

Wednesday 6th November

0800-1900  Registration open
0830-1900  Exhibition hours
0900-1800  Conference hours
1800-1900  Exhibitor Hospitality in Exhibition Hall

Thursday 7th November

0800-1800  Registration open
0830-1745  Exhibition hours
0900-1800  Conference hours
1745-2300  Exhibitor breakdown

Sponsored Delegates

You have an agreed number of airline and ATO/ab initio contacts who you can invite to EATS 2024 at a special reduced rate of only €320. These valuable invitations include full access to all the conference streams and exhibition, morning and afternoon breaks plus lunches. Please complete this form with the details of those you’d like to nominate and return to fiona@halldale.com.


Sales & Contracts

For questions regarding your contract, booth location, floor plan etc., please contact your sales representative:

The Americas
Holly Foster
+1 813 994 0191

Rest of the World
Jeremy Humphreys
+44 (0)1252 532009

Exhibitor Support

For questions regarding your booth staff passes, event details or exhibition logistics, please contact:

Fiona Greenyer

Finance & Registration

For questions regarding billing, payments and/or other registration queries:

Alexia Mullen
Finance & Registration Manager
+1 689 248 3719

Finance: Alexia@halldale.com
Registration: registration@halldale.com

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