Philip Baum
Inflight Security Challenges
Whilst we cannot ignore the need for traditional security training – whereby we examine hijack response protocols, the identification of component parts of improvised explosive devices and cabin search procedures – our operating environment has changed as a result of the global pandemic and regional conflict. Accordingly, the ability of our crews to adapt and respond to emerging threats is reliant on their appreciation of the new security challenges facing the industry…and that depends upon updating training materials and creating innovative new exercises.
This presentation will highlight some of the historical (albeit all post-9/11) incidents which relate to inflight, and specifically passenger cabin, operations. Additionally, we’ll consider the impact of Covid-19 on passenger behaviour and the ways in which conflict in Ukraine has already, and could in the future, impact our inflight security regime.
The presentation, delivered by the 2021 recipient of the global award for Lifetime Service to Aviation Security and former editor-in-chief of Aviation Security International, will serve to remind the audience that whilst our compliance with procedures is often our aim, our true objective should be to proactively address known security threats. This can be achieved, at low cost, not by the deployment of expensive technologies, but by a commitment to encourage outside-the-box thinking and deploying common sense. It will encourage delegates to embrace behaviour detection, something which most flight attendants naturally excel at.
Delegate takeaways will include: novel approaches to aircraft searches; realistic perspectives on the chemical/biological weapons threats; practical behaviour detection for cabin crew; and risk-based bomb threat management techniques.
Cabin Crew Conference
Day 2 – Wednesday 9th November 2022
Session 6 – 1115-1245