Angela Gallorini

Angela Gallorini


Initial Cabin Crew Training, Fostering Harmonisation

Supported by Raghoonundun Gunputh, Lufthansa Aviation Training & Noel Houlihan, Aer Lingus, as subject matter experts. 

Initial cabin crew training course is an introductory aviation training each candidate cabin crew must undergo and successfully complete to be issued with the EU qualification document ‘Cabin Crew Attestation’. EU competent authorities, through their oversight activities and feedback from their training providers, have identified implementation discrepancies leading to significant differences in training hours, methodologies, and content. A harmonised implementation of the initial cabin crew training course is considered important to ensure the same level of safety across the European Union, to increase confidence among MSs in the mutual recognition of the Cabin Crew Attestations, and to guarantee a level playing field.

Cabin Crew Conference
Day 1 – Tuesday 8th November 2022
Session 2 – 1115-1245

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