Stuart Beech & Aedrian Bekker

Stuart Beech

Stuart Beech
CEO & Founder, Resilient Pilot

Aedrian Bekker

Aedrian Bekker
Director, Organisation Solution & Business Development, Centre for Aviation Psychology

Defining, Operationalising, and Empowering Resilience Building in Pilots

Given the experience of the past two years and an increasingly volatile future, how are aviation professionals best equipped, both personally and professionally, to deal with these uncertainties? Inevitably, the term ‘resilience’ is increasingly used whenever strategies for future proofing organisations and professions are considered. However, what does ‘resilience’ really mean? And how does one go about developing it across a professional community – especially one as structured and measured as Flight Crew? This presentation addresses these questions by operationally defining and measuring ‘Resilience’. In doing so, we propose a personalised ‘resilience building’ pathway for pilots. Operating within the familiar frameworks of both Threat Error Management (TEM), and ICAO’s pilot professional competencies, we identify and develop key countermeasures, competencies, and associated behaviours. We do this in a way that speaks the language of pilots, while appealing to their trainers seeking to enhance operational readiness and safety (as identified by EASA’s EPAS 2022-2026 Safety Initiatives SI-5006/5007).

Pilot Conference
Day 2 – Wednesday 9th November 2022
Session 6 – 1115-1245

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