2023 Pilot Conference

EATS is entirely dedicated to airline simulation and training, allowing you to discover the latest innovative training solutions for pilots and cabin crew. Supported by the training industry and subject matter experts, the EATS 2023 conference provided practical solutions for day to day challenges and offered key insights into the future of the industry.
Presentations and moderated discussions led by industry and airline experts allowed the airline training community to share best practice, lessons learned and the challenges of recovery and return to growth.
Conference Chair: Captain Jacques Drappier
Day 1 – Wednesday 8th November 2023
Session 1 – Opening Remarks
(combined Pilot, ATO & Cabin Crew)
1) Jesper Rasmussen, Flight Standards Director, EASA
2) Captain Marió Chavez, Chief Operations Officer, TAP Air Portugal
3) Captain Andy Mitchell, Chair, Aircrew Training Policy Group (ATPG)
Coffee Break – Sponsored by EPST & Compass
Session 2 – AMFTA & EASA Update
(Pilot & ATO)
1) Captain Jean-Michel Bigarré, Founder & President, AMFTA
Inconsistencies in the Aviation Training System: A Pilot’s Perspective
2) EASA Aircrew and Medical Team
Session 3 – EBT
1) Michael Varney, CEO, Salient
10 Years On – Defining Success in Evidence-Based Training
2) Carey Edwards, Managing Director & Sarah Skelton, Training Consultant, LMQ Ltd.
A Deeper Insight into Flight Crew Competencies
3) Captain Cameron Ruckley, Training Manager Operational Standards, easyJet
Turning Theory into Practice; Using Data Effectively to Demonstrably Improve Recurrent Training
Coffee Break – Sponsored by EPST & Compass
Session 4 – Human Element
1) Captain Owen Sims, Aviation Lecturer, Instructor and Examiner
Real-World Insight into Pilot Mental Health
2) Captain Savio Schmitz, Senior Examiner/Standards Training Captain A380
UPRT 2080
3) Arianna Hoffmann, Senior Research Analyst and Consultant, Human Capital Management and Performance
Cognitive Function and the Connection to Training Performance
Pilot Conference sponsored by:

Day 2 – Thursday 9th November 2023
Session 5 – CBTA
1) Stuart Gruber, Sr. Airline Training Deployment Manager, Boeing Global Services
Industry Progress for CBTA
2) Captain Stéphan Labrucherie, Head of Flight Training Worldwide, Airbus
Instructors & CBTA: Sharing Best Practice
3) Captain Pieterjan De Jaeger, Fleet Training Manager A32F, Brussels Airlines
Observable Behaviour Training: The Instructor as Role Model
Coffee Break – Sponsored by OSM Aviation Academy
Session 6 – Technology & Human Factors
1) Chris Ranganathan, Chief Learning Officer, Civil Aviation Training, CAE & Captain Adrian Amaladoss, Divisional Vice-President Flt Ops Training and Standards, Singapore Airlines
The Use of Eye Tracking Technologies and Data in Support of CBTA
2) Aleksandra Kapela, Associate Aviation Psychologist, Symbiotics
Enhancing Pilot Psychological Assessments ThroughVirtual Reality Technologies: Game Changer for ATOs and Airlines
3) Pierre Wannaz, Senior Advisor, CEFA Aviation
Using Modern Technology for EBT in Line Operations Training
Session 7 – Technology
(Pilot & ATO)
1) Captain Shane Carroll, Head of Training Software COC, Airbus & Gilad Scherpf, Senior Director Aviation Training Development, Lufthansa Group
XR Training in 2023: Use Cases, Challenges and Successes
2) Neil Waterman, Commercial Aviation Director, Advanced Simulation Technology inc. (ASTi)
Simulated ATC Environments: Stop Pretending You’re an ATC Controller!
3) Markus Heinonen, Account Executive, Varjo Technologies
Optimising Flight Training by Using XR
Coffee Break – Sponsored by OSM Aviation Academy
Session 8 – Inclusion
(combined Pilot, ATO & Cabin Crew)
1) Lynn Nijsten, Crew Training Expert, Brussels Airlines
Gender and Diversity in Flight Operations and Training
2) Yirou Fang, Doctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki
Boosting Gender Equality in Airline Training: A Two-Phase Intervention
3) Evey Cormican, Founder & CEO, Visionary Training Resources
Fly Like a Girl: Navigating the Complex Landscape of Obstacles Faced by Female Pilot
EATS 2023 Conference Team

Captain Jacques Drappier
Conference Chair, EATS

Anna Mellberg
Cabin Crew Conference Moderator

Fiona Greenyer
Conference Coordinator
EATS 2024 Sponsors & Partners
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